Just wanna share a quote that I think I found quite a few number of times recently.
The quote sound like this
"Demi menyelamatkanmu dari orang yang salah, Tuhan mematahkan hatimu."
This is sooo relatable.
I mean, that quote doesn't only apply to human i.e your crush or boyfriend-girlfriend kind of things, but I think it applies to other things as well.
When sometimes you didn't get something you want in your life, and you feel heartbroken, or sad, or in despair, trust me Allah is saving you (maybe the things is even not good in the first place). But trust me, its for the better.
I'm saying this to myself too, as I know I will be going through a lot of heartbreaks in life later on.
footnote: Thank you for those who had been visiting this humble blog. I truly appreciate :))
2 conteng-conteng:
aku setuju ini bagus sekali. perlu kesadaran untuk mengerti bahwa Tuhan punya rencana yg lebih indah sehingga kita bisa mengikhlaskan sesuatu yg tidak menjadi milik kita. thanks for sharing :)